Monday, October 19, 2015

Lately on Instagram

I'm slightly obsessed with Instagram. Especially now that Aves is around, I love sharing the sweet little moments of our day with friends and family. Instagram, for me, has turned into a modern day baby book; a way to document Aves life. 

One of my favorite blog posts to read are those about Instagram pictures. I'm a visual person, so being able to look at pictures and reading a bit more about what is truly behind that picture is something I enjoy. It's a fun way to get to know a little bit more about a person.

Aves love reading time. We read to her a few times a day, during tummy time and before bed. Of course, she is still way too young to understand what we're reading to her, but it's important to stimulate your baby's mind with words. Justin was reading this Bible storybook to Aves. She loves it! The pictures capture her attention and she'll babble while you read it to her. It's adorable.

It's really rare that Justin has time off during the weekend. Since the organization he runs works with middle- and high school kids, he's busy during non-school hours -- evenings and weekends. They were in a transition time during their program and he had a Sunday free, so we spent some family time at a local apple orchard. We didn't pick any apples or pumpkins, but just spent time walking through the orchard. We did get an apple cider slush though. So good!

I'm not really into the whole Halloween thing. The thought of getting dressed up in a costume doesn't excite me as much as it did when I was younger (I'm more of a Christmas girl!). But, working at Sephora, Halloween season means an opportunity to do fun makeup. I'm always down for some zombie makeup. I spent some time transforming myself into a zombie the other day for a work project, so much fun. Keep an eye out for a blog post later this week. I'm going to share some tips and tricks for different Halloween makeup looks!

Every time I look at this picture, it makes me a little sad. As much as I love watching her grow and learn new things, I don't want her growing up too fast! To see how well she can hold her head up and how alert and smiley she is every day makes me equally proud and sad. It is crazy to think about how much she has grown in the last three months.

Again, another one of those pictures that makes me a little sad. We were gifted these pajamas for Avery and I've been in love with them since. I think they're so beautiful. They've been too big for her until recently. She's officially in three month clothes. Cue the tears!

We went out to dinner with Justin's business partner and his family the other day and Aves and I decided to match. How adorable is her navy blue puffer vest? I ended up changing her into a different vest before we left because once I put her in the carseat, the vest was creeping up super high and the zipper was rubbing against her face, but it was cute while it lasted.

Does this picture need an explanation? I don't think so. She's just too adorable.

My brother-in-laws came over for the big Michigan v Michigan State game, and I had to snap this picture. Shortly after I snapped this picture, hearts were broken. The phrase "I think I'm going to be sick" was on repeat. I think Aves took the loss a little easier than the boys, but she was clearly really into the game.

Our fur baby, Riley, thinks he runs this place. He's as stubborn and strong-willed as can be, but it's adorable when he tries to behave. After begging for a piece of bacon didn't end up in his favor, he laid down on the pillow next to me, and tried his hardest to act like an angel, hoping maybe then he would get a bacon. But poor Riley, he doesn't get human food, so no bacon for him!

If you're not already following my personal Instagram page, you should to keep up with my little family! Follow me at @jenna__anne.

Happy Monday! 


  1. Such cute pictures, Instagram is such a great way to document. Chatbooks is a great source to get little photobooks of your Instagram pictures. I'm not big on dressing up, but how pretty is that zombie makeup, can't wait to see your post on it! That last pic of Avery on the bed needs to be in a frame, so pretty with the lighting!

  2. Love the dark lips and also that gorgeous picture in the orchard - such beautiful snaps! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. You guys look so darling in the apple orchard! Loving the pup pic as well!

  4. I love instagram posts! Your baby girl is so adorable!

  5. Aves is SO cute! I love that picture of her on the bed! And those Michigan/MSU faces - I know all too well. Beyond sad!
